Thursday, March 6, 2025

Fwd: We Left Re-Energized for Youth! 

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From: LMC – a fellowship of anabaptist churches <>
Date: Thu, Mar 6, 2025 at 11:59 AM
Subject: We Left Re-Energized for Youth! 
To: <>

LMC Updates

This past weekend (Feb. 28–Mar. 1), about forty youth leaders from around LMC gathered at the Welcoming Place in Akron, PA for the Youth Leaders Retreat. The focus of the retreat was 1 Thessalonians 5:11: "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up."

The retreat included times of worship and reflection, workshops, unstructured times of connection and networking, and a presentation by Nyah Tinsley (LMC's youth representative to Mennonite World Conference) of research she conducted among the youth of LMC. The last time LMC hosted an event like this was prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, so we were uncertain how many leaders would attend.

I am a youth leader in my congregation, though I also led the committee planning the retreat. I have found it's unusual to leave a retreat refreshed when you are responsible for helping plan and run it however, I did. I was moved by the times of worship as I sensed the Lord's presence, I was challenged by the reflections shared by other leaders, I was educated by workshops, and I was blessed by Nyah's presentation.

What really stood out to me though was the time to connect with other youth leaders. Hearing from them about their work with the youth in their congregations and contexts gave me inspiration, insight, and encouragement that I am not alone. Working with youth is such difficult yet fulfilling work, and to be able to speak with others who are also "in the trenches" was the support and renewal I needed.

Rosita N'Dikwe
LMC Administrative Assistant & Co-Youth Minister with her husband Danwe N'Dikwe at Elizabethtown Mennonite Church

Other LMC News

Share Your Story

Story-telling is powerful; after all, sharing the Gospel—the greatest story of all—is at the heart of what we do as Christ-followers. If you have a story related to LMC, we'd love to hear it! Share online at our website.
Share Your Story
Save the Date – Fall Leadership Assembly

We are working hard to plan and prepare for our Fall Leadership Assembly held on September 24–27. The Leadership Assembly will be held in Lancaster County, PA; exact location to be announced soon. We will NOT be hosting a Spring Leadership Assembly this year, since we will be doing a multi-day event in September. If you have any questions, please email
Anabaptist Classics Reading Group

A guided tour of twenty Swiss Anabaptist writings. Classes will meet via Zoom every other week for five sessions. There will be two sessions: Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. ET, starting March 25; and Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m. ET starting March 27. Contact William Higgins to register and receive the list of readings. Register by March 18.
Join the Mission of LMC
The LMC community is in a season of growth! Since 2018, we have welcomed 133 new congregations into our conference. Despite this, donations over the years have remained about the same, and are now beginning to decrease. Would you prayerfully consider joining us in being a Spirit-led movement and donating to LMC? We are grateful for the opportunity to continue ministering alongside you.

From Our Resource Partners

Kairos Course by EMM

March 22–April 5 at Parkview Mennonite Church (57 E. Church St., Reamstown, PA). An opportunity for all God's people to be transformed and aligned with God's heart for the nations. Register here by March 21.

"A Wonderful Life"

Join Friendship Community on March 27 at 5 p.m. to celebrate creativity, inclusion, and endless possibilities. Formal attire encouraged; reserve tickets by March 3.

Rare & Used Book Auction

Join Mennonite Life for their Rare & Used Book Auction on Friday, March 14 at 6:30 p.m. Though held in-person, you do have the opportunity to bid on books online and by mail before the event. See the full auction catalog and register at

Tabernacle Kit Workshop

Mennonite Life will be hosting an interactive Tabernacle Kit Workshop on Saturday, March 22 from 3–5 p.m. Price is $30 per kit, plus a $10 workshop fee per participant. Register at

No Longer Alone

Landis Communities will hold its next No Longer Alone Family Support Group on March 23 from 3–5 p.m. by Zoom. CURESZ Foundation will show its "Diagnosing Shizophrenia in 2025" video, followed by a time of sharing. Register by March 21; email

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