Becca first stumbled upon Hub 450 earlier this year when she found herself at a Tuesday evening Prayer for the Nations meeting and was captured by the vision for the Hub. Since high school, she has felt called to a ministry of prayer until the day that every nation, people, and language are gathered around the throne of grace (Rev. 7:9). As she learned more about this place, she was excited by the possibility of ministering to those in our own community who are displaced and unreached.
Becca serves at Hub 450 as an administrative assistant and is especially gifted in public relations, marketing, and event planning. She hopes to be serving here long term and is currently raising support in order to do so (see below for more information).
Also, if she could fill a bathtub with any substance, Becca would choose Nutella because even though it wouldn't be fun to bathe in, it would be nice to have a bathtub-sized supply of Nutella.