Monday, February 24, 2025

Fwd: Mennonite Life Events

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From: Mennonite Life <>
Date: Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 9:44 AM
Subject: Mennonite Life Events
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News & Events

February 24, 2025

Rare & Used Book Auction

Join us in the Community Room for a Rare & Used Book Auction on Friday, March 14, 6:30 p.m. Auctions highlights include a complete 1749 Ephrata Cloister Martyrs Mirror, an 1859 German New Testament with a Barbara Ebersol fraktur bookplate, and and several opportunities to bid on a copy of The Earth is the Lord's by John Ruth. The auction is held in-person but you also have the opportunity to bid on books online and by mail before the auction. See the full auction catalog and bidding information at

Pennsylvania Dutch Conversation Series

Kannst due Deitsch schwetze? Join others eager to learn and speak Pennsylvania Dutch for a six-session series studying the language. The series will take place Tuesday nights, monthly on the following dates: March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, August 19. Classes will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Mennonite Life Community Room. All levels of experience are welcome. Informal lessons will be based on the book Speaking Amish: A Beginnerss Introduction to Pennsylvania German by Lillian Stoltzfus. Please plan to attend all six sessions, and register for the series by calling 717.393.9745 or by emailing Ruth Martin at Each session has a $5 suggested donation.

Tabernacle Kit Workshop

The Mennonite Life Visitors Center hosts an interactive Tabernacle Kit Workshop on Saturday, March 22, 3:00–5:00 p.m. The workshop will provide an educational and hands-on connection to the story of the tabernacle as it is described in scripture. The event will begin with a complimentary viewing of the Biblical Tabernacle Experience. Participants will then construct a model of the structure from wood and cloth. All materials and instruction will be provided. This event is ideal for families, small groups, and Sunday school classes. Recommended group size is 2–4 people per kit. Price for this workshop is $30 per kit (paid at registration) plus a $10 workshop fee for each participant, to be paid on the day of the event. Find registration details at or call 717.299.0954.

Saturday Open Libraries at Mennonite Life

Mennonite Life joins a global faith community in commemorating the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism in 2025. The library offers a wealth of research materials relevant to the movement's rich history, including church records, history books, and genealogy resources.

The Mennonite Life library will be open March 8 and March 22, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. The Mennonite Life Museum and museum store will be open as well. All are welcome to visit the library. Use of the library's research materials is complimentary for Mennonite Life members, and $7 per day for non-members. Mennonite Life staff and volunteers will be on hand to assist researchers. Visitors are encouraged to pre-register at and mention specific research topics in mind.

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Abby Hershberger

Storyteller: Digital & Communications

717 393 9745

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