Dear FRCC Friends,
We are grateful for you on so many levels. We receive much encouragement from you, our friends. We know that many of you are obedient to the Lord as He leads you to pray for us. Many of you responded to our recent transparent letter which communicated our "new reality" to sustain this wonderful ministry throughout 2015 while building a new financial model without the Angela Fund. We received nearly $9,000 toward 2015 operating expenses as a result of that letter.
We have a rich history, and daily I think of Jonas, Anne, LaVale, LaWonna, Rodney, Doris, Brad and so many more who gave their whole hearts to build this community for those who are hurting on some level. We have rooms full of the closed files of people's lives who have been deeply touched by our staff. Your prayers and giving have helped open and close the files representing those lives. We occasionally receive calls from someone who says something like..."I came there seven years ago when I was in high school and I'm struggling with some things and could use some guidance; can I make an appointment?" I love that! I love that even after that file is closed and stored in our triple-locked space, the person to whom we ministered knows we are still here to help them.
I worked on our 2015 budget today with our Accountant, Sydney Brookmeyer. The 2015 budget certainly does not point toward the possibility of a 2016 budget as I sit here on January 22, 2015. And yet, I am not discouraged. Since the new year has begun, I walk through our usually quiet morning waiting room and find new guests waiting to be met by counselors who will be faithful to integrate clinical, therapeutic counseling with Biblical truths. We have new Church Partners; new EAPs where local businesses are referring employees to us and paying for their counseling; over half of our counselors are now insurance providers; and we're looking at several other fresh opportunities. I believe we need to continue to move forward, trusting God for His wisdom and provision.
You may have heard our spot on WJTL last Thursday. It was great fun sharing that time with Fred and Lisa as we talked about what FRCC offers our local communities. We received several phone calls and several emails that day alone as a result of the morning program.
Stop in and say, "Hello" to us; please introduce yourself to me. Being somewhat new (I can still say that until 2/17/15), I have not met many of you. Again, thank you for following the leading of the Lord where FRCC is concerned.
God bless you as you serve Him,
Roxanne Holcomb
Executive Director