REAL wants to invite you and your organization to partner with us. Annually, we hold two banquets a year and 2-3 other special events for which we need sponsorship. In place of coming to you prior to each event, we would like you to consider adding us to your 2020 budget. As a partner, you would be recognized depending on the level at which you choose to join us. Executive Partner - $5,000 a year or $1,250/quarter. This level would garner mention at all REAL Life Community Services events, allow your company banner to be displayed at each event, logo listed on the event sponsor list, a reserved table at each banquet, and put the partner's name/logo on our website and Facebook page. Corporate Partner - $2,500 a year, or $625 /quarter. This level would earn the partner mention at all REAL Life Community Events, name/logo listed on the event sponsor list, name/logo displayed on our website, and reserved table at each banquet. Community Partner - $1,200 or $100 a month. This level is partnership in both banquets and would reserve a table at each event for that partner with name listed on the event sponsor list. Please consider these options in your 2020 Fiscal Budgets. We appreciate your support! |