Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fwd: News from LMC

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From: LMC <>
Date: Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 3:50 PM
Subject: News from LMC
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Information for leaders and congregations


These bi-weekly UPDATES are shared so that leaders and congregations are aware of events and information taking place in LMC, agencies, fraternal organizations, congregations, and the broader church. These announcements are for your information and to share with others in your congregation through email (below is the link), weekly bulletin, monthly newsletter, Sunday morning announcements, church website, or Facebook. Use your discretion and share what your congregation will find helpful. 

LMC Office Events & Information

The Gathering Place Grand Opening

Come! You are invited to a "GRAND OPENING" tomorrow Friday, October 18th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday
October 19th from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
for a drop-in to enjoy seasonal snacks and drinks and prices.
2160 Lincoln Highway, Lancaster PA 17603 

Come, join us, and see the LORD's provision in the newly refurbished Gathering Place!

Child Protection Teams Reminder.

Just a reminder to Child Protection Teams that the PA Criminal and Child Abuse checks    must be refreshed every 5 years. Those of you who put new policies and procedures in place with the passage of the new PA CPSL will be approaching that 5-year window. Remember, a review of the dates of all checks should be done annually to make sure that all volunteers stay up to date.

LMC resource partner organization Events & Information

The next meeting of the Lancaster County Parkinson's Support Group

will be held on October 21 at 2:00 p.m.  This month's topic is "Parkinson's Disease and Rehab Updates" presented by physical therapist Timothy Miller, Ph.D., PT. The public meeting will be held in the Westview Community Room at Landis Homes, 1001 East Oregon Road, Lititz. Following the meeting will be a time of refreshments and informal discussion. The monthly meetings are designed for education and support for persons diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and their families.  The Lancaster Parkinson's Support Group meets at Landis Homes on the third Monday of each month from March through November. For more information or to receive a brochure about the Lancaster Parkinson's Support Group persons may make requests to P.O. Box 251, East Petersburg, PA 17520, or call 717-509-5494.                

No Longer AloneSupport Group

The No Longer Alone Family Support Group, now supported by Landis Communities, will continue to meet the fourth Sunday of every month.  The guest speaker for October will be Samantha Osterhof, MS, Clinical Outreach Representative, St. Joseph Institute for Addiction. Her presentation on "A Story of Addiction, Mental Illness, Recovery and Beyond" will be followed by a time of sharing in small groups. The public meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 27 from 3:00- 5:00 p.m. at Rossmere Mennonite Church, 741 Janet Avenue, Lancaster, PA. The monthly meetings provide a place for those who have a loved one living with mental illness to learn and share their experiences. For more information or to receive a monthly meeting reminder, call 717-381-3500 or email
The next meeting for caregivers of persons with memory loss and other forms of dementia is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29 at Landis Homes. The topic for the evening will be "Medications Used to Treat the Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease: Benefits vs Limitations," presented by Anastasia Lawrence, RPh. She is a pharmacist with Phoebe Services Pharmacy, headquartered in Allentown, which has multiple locations in South Central PA.  Following the presentation, there will be time for questions, discussion and refreshments. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. in the Warwick Room of Heritage memory support center at Landis Homes at 1001 East Oregon Road, Lititz. The group is operating in partnership with the Alzheimer's Association of the Greater Pennsylvania Chapter.  The public is welcome.  For more information, call Landis Homes (717) 581-3939.
The Owl Hill Bistro is a great space to meet friends, interact with residents from Landis Homes AND get a great meal. A comfortable Café spot, with a beautiful fireplace and soft music, it's the perfect place to enjoy something delicious and healthy with friends. Just steps from many of Landis Homes' amenities, it features many enjoyable choices, from light to hearty. Try the freshly made soups, salads, and sandwiches for a perfect lunch. The Rotisserie Chicken or Ribs will delight the palate and don't forget the pizza coming right out of the Woodstone oven. The "Grab and Go" area has smoothies, yogurt parfaits, fruit, snacks, and unique bottled beverages. The Owl Hill Bistro has several Gluten-Free options, including Cauliflower Crust pizza.  Call 717-381-3574.  Bistro open Monday through Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., and Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.  Located in the Calvin G. & Janet C. High Learning & Wellness Center.

Explore Quilting—Where and when did quilting begin? Learn about the history of quilting and the quilt shops of today. See samples of Mennonite and antique Amish quilts. The class will be held on Thursday, October 17 from 7 to 8:30 pm at the Mennonite Information Center—2209 Millstream Rd, Lancaster. Cost $20 for non-members, $15 for members. Register at or call (717) 393-9745.

Book Binding—Join us at the Herr House on Saturday, October 26 from 9 am to 2 pm for a bookbinding class taught by Ramon Townsend. Students will learn the steps of bookbinding and take home their own personally handcrafted blank book. The cost is $150. Register at or call (717) 464-4438.

EMM has many opportunities for you to participate in the mission of God by VOLUNTEERING!

Contact Sherrie Ober to share your interests and to learn more.

Most needed opportunities include:


Do you like working with your hands or enjoy spending time outdoors? We could use your help in keeping our property and facilities in beautiful, working order through lawn care, landscaping, leaf clean-up, and other small maintenance jobs.


Are you organized and detail-oriented? Would you enjoy answering phones and greeting people who come to visit EMM?

Other areas


Do you like to host guests in your home, prepare and serve food, or provide transportation for staff and visitors?


Is creativity one of your passions? From music and art to writing, photography, and media editing, there are numerous ways you could serve by engaging these passions.


Do you have specific skills or experience that might allow you to volunteer in areas like finance, grant writing, worship leading, cross-cultural training, or board membership?


Could you help with events like Global Fair and EMM's banquet? Could you provide childcarepray for staff and workers, or volunteer in another way?

Contact: Sherrie Ober
 717 898-2251 ext. 269

 Eastern Mennonite Missions vision and fundraising banquet|Love in a changing world —Eden Resort, 222 Eden Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601 | Tuesday, November 5, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
You're invited to the annual Eastern Mennonite Missions vision and fundraising banquet. Spend an evening with us exploring how EMM continues to be committed to sharing the message of Christ's transforming love for the world. You can celebrate God's love for the world by dressing in the international clothing of your choice — if you have any! Register online by October 22 at

Banquete de visión y recaudación de fondos de la Misión Menonita del Este | Amor en un mundo cambiante

Eden Resort, 222 Eden Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601 |
Martes, 5 de noviembre, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Le estamos invitando al banquete de visión y recaudación de fondos de Eastern Mennonite Missions. Pase una noche con nosotros explorando cómo EMM sigue comprometido a compartir el mensaje del amor transformador de Cristo alrededor del mundo. Usted puede celebrar el amor de Dios por el mundo vistiéndose con su elección de ropa internacional, ¡si es que tienes alguna! Regístrese online antes del 22 de octubre en


Churchwide and Other Events & Information

Woman's Regional Gathering 2019

Saturday, November 2 |9-12 p.m. | Stumptown Mennonite Church
(2813 Stumptown Road, Bird-in-Hand PA)

Unique features: 10 different workshops by 12-15 Christians of
12-15 regional churches

Women of all ages are welcome!

Elevator service available.  No adult registration required.
9:00 am Group Gathering: Songs, announcements
Offering: $5-$10 per person suggested
9:20 and 10:30 Ten Workshops. 11:30 Fellowship & light refreshments.
Childcare (suggest $5 per home)

For more information, you can look at their brochure here.
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Click on the button below. Also, like us on Facebook!
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