We may be restricted by stay-at-home orders, but Jesus is not. It's invigorating to see His unrestrained work in clients' lives! Post-abortion women are encountering Jesus through teleconference calls and Bible studies with our Post-Abortion Services Director.
"I finally get it – Jesus is enough!" one woman said. "Jesus' forgiveness is enough. I don't have to focus on forgiving myself."
Jesus gave another woman courage to read the Surrendering the Secret chapter on fetal development. As she faced her abortion decision and worked through the pain, she said, "The truth has set me free!" from John 8:32.
One woman was angry because she longed to reconcile with her mother, who had pressured her to abort. When she placed that longing – and also the outcome – into Jesus' hands, her anger lifted.
"In Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). May Jesus' unquarantined presence bring great liberty to your heart and home.