Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Fwd: Jesus - The One Every Heart is Longing For

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lisa Hosler, President of Align Life Ministries <>
Date: Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Subject: Jesus - The One Every Heart is Longing For
To: <>

"We Don't Know Where We'd Be Without Align"
Courtney came to us with a teachable spirit. She was pregnant with her first child and scared.

"I need all the help I can get," she said as she signed up for our prenatal classes. "I'm not ready to be a mom. I don't even have my own life together!"

Early on, Courtney's advocate asked about her spiritual beliefs. Courtney went to church as a child, but hadn't thought about God for years. As our advocate shared the gospel with her, Courtney's face brightened as she said, "That's what I've been searching for!"

Week by week, Courtney's advocate discipled her. Courtney's relationship with
Jesus—and her life—blossomed. 

Soon, Courtney's boyfriend Dylan noticed the change. He came along to the prenatal classes, and they completed their homework and earned Care Cash to purchase baby supplies. They went on to take our parenting classes together.

Fast forward three years—Courtney and Dylan had another baby and continued coming for classes and support. Courtney said, "I don't know where we'd be without Align. We've learned so much about parenting, and our whole family structure is so solid now."

A few months ago, their oldest child began attending preschool at a nearby church. She came home singing songs about Jesus and handing her mom Bible stories to read to her. Before long, the whole family began attending that church together!

Recently, Courtney overheard a young mom talking to our receptionist about baby supplies. Courtney jumped up and said, "Here, take my Care Cash—you can get great things in their baby boutique. This place is great. They will help you in so many ways!" 

Thank you for helping us come alongside families like Courtney and Dylan's. Please continue to give financially so we can introduce more moms and dads to Jesus, help them grow in Him, and equip them to parent their children well.
In the powerful, life-saving name of Jesus,

Lisa Hosler
Align Life Ministries
131 S 8th St Lebanon, PA 17042