Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Fwd: April 2024 Partner Update

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From: CrossNet Ministries <meghan-elancocross.org@shared1.ccsend.com>
Date: Mon, May 13, 2024 at 3:00 PM
Subject: April 2024 Partner Update
To: <philandkelly@gmail.com>

Dear Supporters,


Happy Spring to all of you! April was an incredible month, and we are thanking God for his continued provisions and faithfulness. We are excited to share with you stories and stats from this past month. Please take a look below! Your partnership and continued support makes this possible. Thank you!


Please let us know if you have any questions.




Executive Director 

Meredith Dahl

April Stats & Current Needs


We are officially in the second week of the May Gives More fundraiser!

Every Friday in May, when you visit ANY of the six businesses below, a portion of sales will be donated to CrossNet Ministries! 

No need to show a flyer, just head to:

  • Lickity Split
  • Fox Meadows Creamery (Leola location)
  • Skip's Food Truck
  • Twin Valley Coffee (New Holland location)
  • New Holland Coffee Co (New Holland location)
  • Coffee Co New Holland

on a Friday in May and you will be supporting CrossNet. It's that simple! 

Whenever you go to these restaurants on a Friday to support CrossNet, tag us on social media! And be sure to thank these restaurants for supporting CrossNet!

If you have questions about this promotion, feel free to email carl@elancocross.org!


We recently had the privilege of celebrating many CrossNet Volunteers at our Volunteer Appreciation Event!

It was a wonderful evening of fellowship and getting to intentionally thank CrossNet Volunteers for offering hope and help in the name of Jesus to the ELANCO community.

We know that CrossNet would not be here without the support and partnership of each incredible Volunteer! We are truly better together!

Click on the button below to view more photos and videos from this special night!

Click Here!


Are you interested in impacting the life of a student or adult in the ELANCO community? 

Join us for a Mentor Training tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14th, from 5:30 - 8:00 PM at the CrossNet Youth Center.

This training is for any person interested in serving as a Mentor with CrossNet. There is no commitment when you attend the training, just come out and learn more! 

Dinner & materials will be provided. 

To RSVP for this training or if you have questions about the Mentor Program, please contact julia@elancocross.org


The Free Summer Lunch Program runs from Monday, June 3rd to Thursday, August 15th! This program provides free lunch to youth in the ELANCO community and ensures families enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program do not go without food over the summer.

We are looking for volunteers to help with food prep and deliveries!

If you are interested in helping, please click on the button below to sign up!

We are also looking for these donations:

  • Foil Sheets
  • Ziploc Bags
  • Individually Packaged Chips
  • Individually Packed Snacks: Granola Bars, Rice Krispies Treats, Brownies, & Cookies

Please email amy@elancocross.org for more information!

Sign Up to Volunteer!


We recently celebrated our 36th Annual Banquet in March! The theme was "Staying the Course" and it was an incredible night to remember!

We are excited to announce the total raised from the evening was $206,705!!!

This total is more than we have raised at any other previous annual banquet! This could not have been done without the support and generosity of our community. Thank you so much for offering help and hope in the name of Jesus!

Pursuing God together....

"Volunteering with CrossNet has impacted and strengthened my faith. It has shown me God's heart for us and for the students. He really pursues us and loves us."

-Chelsea, CrossNet Youth Center Volunteer

Stay up to date with all things CrossNet

Ministries and follow us on social media!

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CrossNet Ministries | 123 W. Franklin Street, New Holland, PA 17557
Unsubscribe philandkelly@gmail.com
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