Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Fwd: 'Abortion feels like a sin to me'

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lisa Hosler, Align Life Ministries <>
Date: Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 10:15 AM
Subject: 'Abortion feels like a sin to me'
To: <>


I'd like to share a beautiful story showing how your support is helping us change the lives of young parents who find themselves in desperate situations.

Even before Sofia walked through our doors, God was lovingly and relentlessly drawing her to Himself.

"I'm thinking of taking the abortion pill," she confessed during her visit. "But I'm not sure about abortion. Abortion feels like a sin to me." 

Sofia was in a relationship with a man who already had several young children. "He wants me to abort my baby, but he loves his other children. That really hurts."  

Overwhelmed, Sofia found comfort when our director gently explained how much God loved her, how He longs to carry her burdens, and how He will never leave her. 

Sofia said she'd been wanting to go to church but added, "I just feel so messed up right now."

When our director asked if she would like to learn how to have a personal relationship with God, Sofia nodded and, soon after, she surrendered her heart to Jesus.

As she left that day, Sofia tearfully gave the director a huge hug and said, "I just knew I needed to come here for help! I'm so glad I did."

Later, during her ultrasound, Sofia made the firm decision to carry her baby to term, saying, "My mom is with me 100 percent, and now that I have Jesus, I know I can do this."

God is at work in Sofia's life — drawing her closer to Him and strengthening her for this new journey. Your invaluable partnership is vital to making stories like Sofia's possible.

This year, we've seen an incredible rise in demand for our services. Our client website visits have increased by 24 percent, and contacts from abortion-pill-seeking women have risen by 95 percent. 

We budgeted $54,000 to reach abortion-minded clients like Sofia online, and $15,000 to provide large baby-care items for moms who complete our prenatal classes. Thanks to YOU — our generous supporters — we've already received $25,000 toward these free, Christ-centered services.

Our goal is to raise $85,000 to ensure we can continue meeting these increasing needs. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us to support young moms like Sofia? Your gift today can make an eternal impact.

Make your secure donation here.

This is a wonderful way you can ensure that Align is there for young parents in crisis when they need it most.

In the powerful, life-saving name of Jesus,

Lisa Hosler


P.S. — Your heartfelt donation allows us to offer life-affirming care and God's love to all those who come through our doors. Every dollar makes a difference! Stand with us today at

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