Friday, September 6, 2024

Fwd: August 2024 Partner Update

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From: CrossNet Ministries <>
Date: Fri, Sep 6, 2024 at 1:40 PM
Subject: August 2024 Partner Update
To: <>

Dear Supporters,

We had an incredible month of offering help and hope in the name of Jesus! We are celebrating wrapping up the Free Summer Lunch Program, new families moving into the Pathways to Housing program, distributing over 720 backpacks, and much more! One single Mom shared with me this week that these resources are helping her to stay housed and the relationships she is building are giving her hope for the future. We are grateful for your support to be a light in the community. Your partnership continues to make a difference. Please let me know if you have any questions!




Executive Director 

Meredith Dahl

August Stats & Current Needs


The second annual Summer Nights Dinner and Auction was held on August 24th at Garden Spot Village! It was a beautiful evening of gathering the community together for live music, delicious food stations, games, a live auction, and more!

Thanks to the generosity of our community, we raised over $88,000 from the event! This is the most we've ever raised at a fall event!

All of these funds go toward supporting CrossNet programs in the areas of youth, food and nutrition, community, and social services. Thank you for offering help and hope in the name of Jesus! For more photos and thank-you's to the evening's sponsors, click on the button below.

Summer Nights Dinner and Auction

We cannot thank the donors, supporters, and volunteers enough who helped with this year's Annual Backpack Program!

Because of the generosity and effort of the community, we were able to hand out over 720 backpacks to students in the ELANCO community!

At the event on August 13th, students were able to choose a new backpack of their choice that was filled with new school supplies! They also received new haircuts, free clothing vouchers, hot dogs, ice pops, popcorn, extra supplies, and more!


Thank you to everyone who donated supplies and backpacks to make this possible! We value your partnership to offer help and hope in the community.

As the school year started back up, there were many exciting events CrossNet was able to host or be a part of. From welcoming the ELANCO School District staff back with New Holland Coffee Co, to giving a Bridges Out of Poverty Training to teachers and staff at Blue Ball Elementary School, to kicking off Youth Center Nights with a powerful Gospel presentation from Painting Freedom. We are grateful to be able to serve and partner together in the ELANCO community.





The Cross Jr. Program exists for 4th and 5th grade students in ELANCO and matches each student with an adult Mentor who will work with them to build self-confidence, gain life skills, have fun, and learn about the love of God!

We are looking for ten more volunteers for the new school year. The Cross Jr. Program runs from October to May. Volunteers choose one of the ELANCO Elementary Schools to serve at for about 2 hours once a week.

Check out testimony of a couple who volunteers with Cross Jr. and why they enjoy it in this video here.

For more information or questions, please email Julia, our Mentoring and Education Manager, at


Have you ever considered becoming a Monthly Donor with CrossNet?

We are seeking to grow our monthly partners to help further the mission of offering help and hope in the name of Jesus!

All through September, when you partner with CrossNet by becoming a Monthly Donor, you will receive:

  • A Personalized Thank You Note
  • A Personal Phone Call from CrossNet Staff
  • Email Updates to stay connected with all things CrossNet
  • A CrossNet Merchandise Pack which includes a CrossNet t-shirt, Better Together sticker, and more!

By becoming a CrossNet Monthly Donor, you are creating a tangible impact for families and individuals in our community. Through the generosity of the community and strong partnership of Monthly Donors, we can offer help and hope in the name of Jesus!

For questions or more information, please email or click on the button below!

Become a Monthly Donor


Check out this video to find out about our "Meet the Youth Center Night" happening on September 25th at 7 PM. NO commitment necessary! Email to sign up or if you have questions!


CrossNet Ministries is gearing up for our Annual Winter Coat Program! We would love for you, your church, or your business to participate in collecting coats for this event! Would you consider checking your closets for gently used coats and winter items for donation? And would you be willing to share this need with others? 

Any person or group donating NEW coat(s) will be entered in a drawing to win a $50 gift card! Our drive runs the entire month of September. 

The coats donated help over 500 kids in our community stay warm through the winter months!

For more details on how you can help or for questions, please email or click on the button below!

Find Out More!


On August 15th, 47 students, Youth Center Staff, and Volunteers went to Tower Beach in Rehoboth Delaware for the annual Youth Center Beach Trip! New Holland Nazarene generously donated their school bus and a volunteer kindly drove students and staff to their destination. For many students, this trip was their first time stepping onto a beach and seeing the ocean! The Staff were incredibly moved by one student's first experience at the beach. His home life is challenging, and recently, things have been difficult for his family. But the Staff shared that watching him experience the ocean, collect seashells, and enjoy a peaceful day, made the whole trip special. It is in moments like these, that we are thankful for opportunities to take students to the beach. It gives students a chance to experience something new, fun, and even peaceful that they wouldn't get to otherwise. We know it means a lot to them. 

It is because of your kindness that these events are possible. Thank you for supporting our Youth Program!


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