These bi-weekly UPDATES are shared so that leaders and congregations are aware of events and information taking place in LMC, agencies, fraternal organizations, congregations, and the broader church. These announcements are for your information and to share with others in your congregation through email, weekly bulletin, monthly newsletter, Sunday morning announcements, church website, or Facebook. Use your discretion and share what your congregation will find helpful. | | LMC Office Events & Information
| May 12, 2016, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Alive Church Ephrata 510 Stevens Rd, Ephrata, PA 17522
Gerry Keener and Brinton Rutherfor will summarize the Pathways process and update attendees on the development work that has been completed since March. Jim Weick, pastor at Bethlehem Community Fellowship, will give a brief testimony of his interaction with Pathways as one of the first users of the process. Those present will then participate in a "Global Cafe" process to continue to develop this LMC-EMM partnership resource. The meeting will conclude with a review of the timetable to get this partnership fully up and running.
All are welcome to come. Registration is not required. Click here to see the Pathways flyer.
Awareness & Training Making Church a Safe Place for All Volunteers in your congregations who have direct contact with children have until July 1, 2016 to be in compliance with the new Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law of 2014. If your congregation needs help with this process contact the Conference office. We have tools available to help you make that transition and develop a child protection policy.
If your congregation has not taken steps to bring your credentialed leaders into compliance, please contact the LMC Office as soon as possible for assistance in understanding what must be done. December 31, 2015 was the date for all employees of organizations that have direct contact with children to be in compliance.
LMC Youth Workers Monthly Breakfast Come "talk shop" with others involved in youth ministry on May 24 at 8 am at Lyndon Diner. This gathering is a chance to share ideas, encourage and support each other through conversation and prayer. Anyone involved with youth ministry in any way in the Lancaster Mennonite Conference is welcome! Please RSVP on the LMC Youth Workers FB page if you are coming. Shalom News Announcements Guest Team Member(s) for Shalom News Magazine For each issue of Shalom News, our editorial team invites a guest team member or team members to sit with us (Brinton Rutherford and Joselyn Santiago) for a 1-2 hour brainstorming/planning session to help shape the theme and articles, and maybe write an article or two.
News Blurbs Did your congregation celebrate a special anniversary? Did your congregation host an event in the community? We are inviting congregations to submit congregational announcements (i.e. retirements, baptisms, credentialing services, etc.) to be included in the Shalom News magazine. If your congregation is interested in sharing, please submit a 1-4 sentence story/update with a photo (if possible) to Joselyn Santiago ( Urban Education Grant Applications for the Urban Education Grant are being accepted, for the 2016-2017 academic year, for those who are in school or have children in school. Applications are due no later than July 1, 2016. Click here for the application. Quiet Shouts Seminar Scholarship Applications for the Quiet Shouts Seminary Scholarship are being accepted for the 2016/17 academic year. The purpose of the scholarship is to support and encourage Lancaster Conference Mennonite women pursuing pastoral studies in seminary master's degree programs. Scholarships are awarded annually to women who meet the following criteria: - member of a Lancaster Mennonite Conference congregation
- accepted into an accredited seminary master's degree program
- pursuing full-time or part-time pastoral studies
Applications must be received by May 1, 2016 to qualify for a 2016/17 academic year scholarship. A Quiet Shouts brochure and application are attached. Previous recipients are encouraged to apply as scholarships can be received for multiple years of studies. Last year's recipients were Sarah Bixler (Oxford Circle Mennonite), Gina Burkhart (Landisville Mennonite), Kristina Denlinger (West End Mennonite Fellowship), Rhonda Good (Connect Church), Nancy Maldonado (King of Glory Tabernacle), and Linda Gehman Peachey, (East Chestnut Street Mennonite). These scholarships are made possible through donations from individuals and through royalties from Quiet Shouts, a book authored by Louise Stoltzfus featuring 14 Mennonite women leaders of the 20th century. For more information, click on the links below. LMC Pastoral Openings If you are interested in a pastoral position at one of the LMC congregations, click here to see what positions are available. You can also go onto our website and click on the Pastoral Openings link.
Classified Ads LMC and LMC agencies, fraternal organizations, and congregations, often post classified ads under the "Classifieds" tab on the LMC website. Click here to see the postings. |
LMC Agency Events & Information
| Eastern Mennonite Missions 35 years of saying YES Join us on Saturday, May 21, for EMM's event "35 years of saying YES: Launching people into life on mission," beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Lancaster Mennonite School, Calvin and Janet High Fine Arts Center. For 35 years, EMM's YES program served as a place where people encountered God, His people, and the world in fresh ways. YES's joys and challenges transformed people, both participants and those they served. As EMM transitions the YES structures into new ways of catalyzing missional discipleship, we invite you to come remember, lament, and celebrate the experience of YES. Be encouraged to continue living out God's calling, wherever you are. For more information, visit or contact Jessica Fellenger at 717 898-2251 ext. 235. Los 35 años de YES Únase a nosotros el 21 de mayo para el evento de EMM "35 años diciendo YES: Lanzando gente hacia una vida de misión", comenzando a las 6:30 p.m. en el Calvin and Janet High Fine Arts Center de la Lancaster Mennonite School. Durante 35 años, el programa YES de EMM sirvió como un lugar donde personas se encontraron en formas frescas con Dios, con su pueblo, y con el mundo. Las alegrías y los desafíos de YES transformaron a muchos, tanto a los participantes como a los que ellos sirvieron. A medida que EMM hace la transición de las estructuras de YES a nuevas formas para catalizar el discipulado misional, le invitamos a que venga para recordar, lamentar, y celebrar la experiencia de YES. Siéntase animado a continuar viviendo el llamado de Dios dondequiera que se encuentre. Para obtener más información, visite o póngase en contacto con Jessica Fellenger en el 717 898-2251, ext. 235.
As a youth group, learn to lend a hand to refugees Welcoming refugees youth night, jointly hosted by EMM and Church World Service (CWS), is a chance for teens and youth groups to spend an evening learning how to welcome refugees through peer relationships. Join us on Wednesday, June 15, from 7:00-8:30 p.m., at 450 North Prince St., Lancaster, Pa., and learn how you can lend a hand to your neighbors through CWS service opportunities. Registration ends June 1. Visit for registration and more information, or contact Angie Breneman at 717 898-2251 ext. 266. Como grupo de jóvenes, aprenda a echarle una mano a los refugiados El evento nocturno "Dándole la bienvenida a refugiados", patrocinado conjuntamente por EMM y Church World Services (CWS), es una oportunidad para que grupos de adolescentes y de jóvenes pasen una tarde aprendiendo a dar la bienvenida a los refugiados relacionándose con ellos como iguales. Únase a nosotros el miércoles 15 de junio, de 7:00 a 8:30 p.m., en el 450 North Prince St., Lancaster, PA, y aprenda cómo puede echarle una mano a sus vecinos a través de las oportunidades de servir provistas por CWS. La inscripción finaliza el 1 de junio. Visite para inscribirse y recibir más información, o póngase en contacto con Angie Breneman en el 717 898-2251, ext. 266. Save the date! Celebrate summer with international culture and flavor at EMM's biggest event of the year! Join us on Saturday, July 9, 2016, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Hans Herr House, Willow Street, Pa. for the 21st annual Global Fair: an open-air missions and culture festival. Each year, thousands of people meet the world through international activities: henna tattoos, African dance, friendly alpacas. And of course, the sights and scents of international food are always a big draw. Come talk to mission workers and hear their stories about God's work in different countries around the world. And go on free tours of Hans Herr exhibits. For more information, visit or contact Jessica Fellenger at 717 898-2251 ext. 235. ¡Tome nota de esta fecha! ¡Celebre el verano con sabor y cultura internacional en el mayor evento del año de EMM! Únase a nosotros el sábado, 9 de julio de 2016, de 11 a.m. a 3 p.m., en la Hans Herr House, Willow Street, Pa. para la 21ª Feria Global anual: un festival de misiones y culturas al aire libre. Cada año, miles de personas experimentan el mundo a través de actividades internacionales: tatuajes de henna, danza africana, amistosas alpacas. Y, por supuesto, la apariencia y olores de comida internacional son siempre una gran atracción. Venga y platique con obreros de misiones y escuche sus historias acerca de la obra de Dios en diferentes países alrededor del mundo. Y disfrute tours gratuitos de las exhibiciones de la Hans Herr House. Para obtener más información, visite o póngase en contacto con Jessica Fellenger en el 717 898-2251, ext. 235. Will you join us in prayer? As people joining in God's mission, you understand that everything flows out of our relationship with Him. We pray with passion and persistence for His kingdom to come and His will to be done, and we move forward as He leads. One way to join EMM in prayer is by receiving Mission Intercessor, a monthly prayer guide focused on work that God is doing through EMM locally and globally. To learn more, visit or contact Emily Gingrich at 717 898-2251 ext. 225. ¿Le interesaría unirse a nosotros en oración? Como toda persona que se une en la misión de Dios, usted comprende que todo fluye de nuestra relación con Él. Oramos con pasión y persistencia para que Su reino venga y para que Su voluntad sea hecha, y después avanzamos de acuerdo a Su dirección. Una manera de unirse a EMM en la oración es recibiendo Mission Intercessor, una guía mensual de oración enfocada en el trabajo que Dios está haciendo a través de EMM, tanto local como globalmente. Para obtener más información, visite o póngase en contacto con Emily Gingrich en el 717 898-2251 ext. 225. |
Calling all LMS Alumni! If you are an LMS Alumni, please contact John H. Denlinger, Director of Church Relations (, at LMS. The next LMS Bridges will be highlighting alumni who are in pastoral leadership and we hope to have as complete a list as possible. If you know of others who aren't pastoring in Lancaster or ACC please submit their names to John as well. Thanks for your help.
Kraybill 39th Annual Benefit Auction and Pig Roast Friday, May 6, 3 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. The Kraybill Campus of Lancaster Mennonite School is holding a Benefit Auction and Pig Roast on May 6. The auction begins at 4 p.m., selling unique experiences, dining opportunities, a variety of plants, patio furniture, art and class projects. A plant auction will run simultaneously from 7-7:45 p.m. The famous all-you-can-eat Pig Roast runs from 4-7 p.m. For more information, click here. LMS Golf Tournament Wednesday, May 11, 2016 A day out of the office to exercise, fellowship and support students at Lancaster Mennonite School! LMS Golf Tournament May 11 at Conestoga Country Club Pick a 7:15 Tee Time or a 12:30 Tee Time Select your foursome and have a great day! Noon meal and Evening dinner are served by Hess BBQ & Catering at the CCC Register with John H. Denlinger at LMS Lots of Skill prizes and Door Prizes for everyone. More details on the LMS Website or contact John H. Denlinger Mennonite Children's Choir of Lancaster Spring 2016 Concert Series Sunday, June 12, 7 p.m. Mt. Gretna Tabernacle, Mt. Gretna
For additional information, contact
Mennonite Children's Choir of Lancaster Auditions The Mennonite Children's Choir of Lancaster is now scheduling auditions on May 10 and 11 for the 2016-2017 choir year. Children and youth in kindergarten through grade 12 may contact Artistic Director Darlene Hein (717-333-4202) to schedule an audition. Singers meet Tuesday evenings late August through early May to rehearse for a fall and spring concert series. The mission of MCCL is training children and youth to glorify Jesus Christ through excellent choral singing. The MCCL program is open to children and youth from all church backgrounds and is a program of Lancaster Mennonite School as a service to the community.
LMS Campus Chorale 2016 Spring Tour
Sunday, May 15, 7 p.m. Stumptown Mennonite Church |
In Our Blood: Nazism, MCC, and the Invention of Mennonite Ethnicity In Our Blood: Nazism, MCC, and the Invention of Mennonite Ethnicity- Harvard University Historian Ben Goossen traces the entanglement of Anabaptist and Aryan ideologies before, during, and after Hitler's Third Reich. He will talk on Friday, May 20, at 7 p.m. at Ridgeview Mennonite Church.
En nuestra sangre: el nazismo, el CCM, y la invención de la etnicidad menonita El historiador de la Universidad de Harvard, Ben Goossen, trazará el entrelazamiento entre la ideología anabautista y aria antes, durante, y después del Tercer Reich. Ben expondrá su charla el viernes 20 de mayo, 7 p.m. en la Iglesia Menonita de Ridgeview.
Tour to Puerto Rico: Island of Enchantment Join us on a five-day tour to Puerto Rico exploring Mennonite history and popular attractions on the Island. The tour will be held from Thursday, October 20, to Monday, October 24. Cost per person is $1,975. Price of the tour includes airfare, motor coach, lodging, seven meals, and site tours. A $500 deposit is required by June 1, and full payment, by August 5. Interested persons can learn more and register at or by calling 717-393-9745.
Gira a Puerto Rico: Isla del Encanto Únete a una gira de cinco días a Puerto Rico para explorar la historia menonita y visitar lugares populares en la Isla. La gira se llevará a cabo de jueves, 20 de octubre a lunes, 24 de octubre. El costo por persona es de $1,975. El precio incluye boleto de avión, autobús, hospedaje, siete comidas, y giras locales. Se requiere un depósito de $500 para el 1ro de junio, y pago completo para el 5 de agosto. Personas interesadas pueden aprender más sobre el viaje y registrarse en, o llamando al 717-393-9745.
What Young Historians are Thinking Come hear from young and early career historians with connections to the historic peace churches present their research. The event will take place at 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 4, at Cross Roads Brethren in Christ Church. Topics will include the treatment of Moravians during the American Revolution, a Mennonite influenced radio station for the Soviet Union, and the intersection of the Amish community with the American legal system.
Lo que historiadores jóvenes están pensando Ven a escuchar a historiadores jóvenes comenzando sus carreras y con conexiones a las iglesias históricas de paz hablar sobre sus investigaciones. El evento se llevará a cabo a las 7 p.m. el sábado, 4 de junio, en la Iglesia de los Cross Roads Brethren in Christ Church. Los tópicos incluirán el trato de moravos durante la Revolución Americana, una estación de radio soviética influenciada por los menonitas, y la intersección entre la comunidad amish y el sistema legal de los EE.UU.
Volunteers Needed Would you be willing to volunteer with the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society? There are dozens of opportunities to consider. We invite any able-bodied persons between ages 12 and 112 to help at the headquarters on Millstream Road, Lancaster, or at the 1719 Herr House near Willow Street. If you are interested in volunteering, call (717) 393-9745 or email Dorothy Siegrist at
Se necesitan voluntarios ¿Estarías dispuesto a ser voluntario con la Sociedad Histórica Menonita de Láncaster? Hay docenas de oportunidades. Invitamos a cualquier persona físicamente capaz entre las edades de 12 a 112 a ayudar en la oficina central en Millstream Road en Láncaster, o en la Casa de Hans Herr de 1719 cerca de Willow Street. Si tienes interés en ser voluntario, llama al (717) 393-9745 o envía un correo electrónico a |
Landis Communities
Preparing for the Aging Process By 2050, the population aged 65 plus will be 84 million, nearly double what it is today. That means one out of every five persons will be that age. Is your congregation talking about this? How might this affect how your work as a congregation? Landis Communities is thinking about this and would love to hear what you are thinking and share what we are learning. Why not start a conversation? Invite Landis Communities to be part of these conversations in Sunday School Classes, small groups and other settings. For more information, contact Larry Guengerich at or (717) 381-3526. Parkinson's Support Group There will be a meeting of the Lancaster County Parkinson's Support Group, May 16 at Landis Homes. The topic for the evening discussion is "Interaction of Medications." The speaker is Coleen Kayden, pharmacist from Williams Apothecary. The public meeting is scheduled for May 16, 2:00 p.m. in the Westview Community Room at Landis Homes, 1001 East Oregon Road, Lititz. The monthly meetings are designed for education and support for persons diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and their families. The Lancaster County Parkinson's Support Group meets at Landis Homes the third Monday of each month from March through November. For more information or to receive a brochure about the Lancaster County Parkinson's Support Group, persons may make requests to P.O. Box 251, East Petersburg, PA 17520, or call 717-509-5494.
Annual golf Tournament Golfers of all levels are invited to the 25th annual golf tournament raising money for the Adult Day Services (ADS) at Landis Homes. Since 1991, friends and colleagues of Landis Homes have provided scholarships for eligible ADS clients who are not able to afford the full cost of these quality services. The event will be held Friday June 3, at Foxchase Golf Club. For more information click here or call 717-509-5490. |
LMC Fraternal Ministries Events & Information
| Congressional Art Show May 1 - 31, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Main Street Gallery Original pieces of artwork submitted by high school students in the 16th district of Pennsylvania are on display. One of the pieces will be chosen to hang in the tunnel between the US Capitol and the Cannon House Office Building.
Camp Hebron Complimentary Pastor Retreats |
Sabbath Space For Clergy, Chaplains and Other Leaders KAIROS: School of Spiritual Formation is offering monthly weekday retreats in a contemplative context for pastors and ministry leaders to grow spiritually and to enhance their ministries in the practice of spiritual formation. Sabbath Space retreat days, offered September through May, provide rest and reflection away from the work of ministry, encourage personal spiritual growth, and increase awareness and understanding of the art and ministry of spiritual guidance in the church or ministry setting. Through the study of literature, the experience of group spiritual direction, theological reflection, and presentation of case studies out of the settings in which they provide leadership, participants will enhance their own spiritual journey, as well as more effectively care for the soul of their congregation or ministry community. Continuing Education Units available for this retreat. |
No Longer Alone Ministries Meets at: Rossmere Mennonite Church, 741 Janet Ave, Lancaster PA Time: 3:00-4:00 Educational Program, 4:10-5:00 Share and Care Groups Dates/Topics: May 22: How to Access Mental Health Services, Presented by Rebecca Sangrey, MSW,LSW, Lanc Co BH-DS Paths to Discovery Meets at: No Longer Alone Ministries, 630 Janet Ave, Lancaster PA Room B-103 Time: First Thursday of each month from 11:00-12:30 Dates/Topics: May 5: A Working Workplace
Special Movie Screening Featuring the movie Canvas At Penn Cinema Thursday, May 12, 5:00 Hors d'oeuvres, 6:00 feature presentation |
Churchwide and Other Events & Information
| Church World Service Lancaster Are you a pastor, small group leader, or devoted congregant who likes to stay up-to-date on local refugee needs? Please join our new Church Newsletter where Christine Baer, Congregational Resource Developer, will keep you informed of local stories, highlights, and volunteer/donation needs. Click this link to subscribe to the CWS Lancaster newsletter: e- mail Christine at to subscribe. |
ARMS (Association of Retired Ministers and Spouses) Annual Fall Retreat October 25-26, 2016 at Black Rock Retreat Center For LMC Leaders w/Retired Credential or Active Credential 65+ & Spouses. "Winds of the Spirit in Mission" is the Retreat Theme. The main speakers are John Ruth and Nelson Okanya, and will feature singing by Black Rock Retreat's "Maintaining Praise" and picturesque travel scenes by Jay & Lois Garber. Ruth will explore the influences that provided the impetus for early Lancaster Area Mennonites to become engaged in mission outreach to their neighbors. He'll also review the "Winds of the Spirit" that moved our congregations to embrace a high priority on sending many missionaries internationally with a strong commitment of prayer and financial support. Okanya will share the current "Winds of the Spirit" in mission happenings around the world and stateside. He will also offer new vision for the future of international missions with a primary focus on visionary missional engagements in local communities. The cost remains $66 per person; includes four meals, one night's lodging, and use of the camp.
The Reasons To Believe chapter of Lancaster, PA invites everyone to join them at Stumptown Mennonite Church the third Thursday of every month for documentary films, lectures, and lively discussions about how the latest scientific discoveries are intersecting with Biblical truths. Meetings run 7-9 PM. For more information, call Will Charles: 717-330-0901. |
Mount Clare Christian School Winter/Spring Give-A-Thon for Mt. Clare Christian School Did you know that there is an evangelistic Christian School in the Anabaptist tradition in inner-city Baltimore? Mt. Clare Christian School (MCCS) is a ministry of Wilkens Avenue Mennonite Church, located in an under-resourced urban community of Southwest Baltimore City. Our school is funded largely by donations from churches and individuals. The portion of tuition that school families pay is $25 per month per child, allowing us to reach the children in our target community. Our mission is to provide a quality, Christian education for children in the Mt. Clare Community. Over 70% of our students are from Non-Christian backgrounds. Would you join us in helping with our Mount Clare Christian School Winter/Spring Give-A-Thon? We are currently seeking 50 new monthly partners in the amounts of $50, $75, and $100 per month to help us strengthen our funding base and allow us to impact more students in this community. To sign up as a monthly partner in our Winter/Spring Give-A-Thon or for more information visit |
Chatter, Chow & Cheerful Service |
Museum of the Bible Lancaster Event Sunday evening, May 15 There will be an evening public event here in Lancaster introducing the new Museum of the Bible located in Washington, DC. There is no charge for the evening but tickets are required. The purpose of the new museum that will open in 2017 is to invite all people to engage with the Bible through four pillars: research, travel exhibits, education, and a museum currently under construction in Washington, DC. In April free tickets for the event will be available. Here is the MOTB web site: |
Evangelical Seminary 31st Annual Golf Tournament Meet guest golfer and WGAL Chief Meteorologist Joe Calhoun
Thursday, May 19, Fairview Golf Course, Lebanon, Pa Evangelical Seminary is committed to teaching and training leaders for effective ministry in business, marriage & family therapy, missions, education, and the church. Proceeds from this tournament will go to our Annual Fund for Transformational Leadership and enable us to fulfill this commitment. The tournament is limited to 36 foursomes and in past years we have turned golfers away. Registration closes on May 12th or at 144 golfers, whichever occurs first so be sure to sign up early! On the day of the event, registration starts at 6:45 a.m. & shotgun start is at 7:15 a.m. |
PA Friends of Meserete College in Ethiopia Blossom Hill String Band The Pennsylvania Friends of Meserete College in Ethiopia has scheduled a concert by the Blossom Hill String Band on Sunday, May 22, 7 pm at Blossom Hill Mennonite Church. There will be a free will offering taken for the college scholarship fund. |
Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship Annual Gathering Attention Healthcare Workers! Registration is now open for Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship's Annual Gathering, June 17-19, 2016 in Estes Park, CO. Plan now for this weekend of workshops, worship, networking, and sharing together with other healthcare professionals. Visit |
Saturday, June 25, 2016, 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Landis Homes West Community Room This reunion is designed for persons who have lost a spouse through death and then remarried. Hear stories of how remarriage has been life changing. There will be a noon meal, games, singing & fellowship. For more information, contact Glenn & Ginny Hoover at 717-859-2347 by June 13, 2016. |
Heart 4 Muslim Conference Save the Date Saturday, October 8, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Calvary Baptist Church 123 West 57th St, Manhattan, NY
Click here for more information. |
| | | | Enjoy God
Encourage Others
Equip Disciples
Engage the World
| Quick Links Lancaster Conference
| Lancaster Mennonite Conference
2160 Lincoln Highway East
Lancaster, PA 17602
| |