I had the privilege of spending 10 days in India with Sam and Becca. Out of all we saw I enjoyed the Good Life Clubs the most. I loved the children's enthusiasm in song, their intent eyes on the one teaching, and their joy in just knowing your name or shaking your hand. But I also saw how little they had, many were dirty, their houses less than desirable, and spiritual darkness was rampant...
...I remember holding a child and his Mother telling me that I should take him home with me. I was surprised that a Mother would be so unfeeling towards her own child! But perhaps...she realized how little they had and wanted more for her child.
Those children need a lot of things: food, homes, and love but more than that they need spiritual food and that is what the Good Life Clubs provide. Not only do they leave with a smile on their face because of the games they play and the fun they have, but in a world that is full of lies, they are given truth. Truth that can and does change lives. I can no longer view Indian children as a statistic because now they have familiar faces.
~ Darla Hawbaker