Feeling snowed under by debt? Watch this video to hear from a couple who conquered theirs Rod and Bonnie felt overwhelmed by their debts until Lutheran Social Service helped them get the upper hand. LSS knows all about creating Debt Management Plans to help people in the same place Rod and Bonnie used to be. Find out more about LSS. Everence scholarship can ease the burden A degree can open career possibilities, but college is a major financial commitment. A scholarship is a potential benefit of doing business with Everence. We're offering 42 next year, ranging from $750 to $2,000. Feb. 28 is the application deadline for 2015-2016. Visit everence.com/college-scholarships for an application. What to keep, what to shred? | Some of us have old financial records in a box under the bed or in a closet because we think we might need them one of these days. Find out which documents you should keep saving and which can be pitched. With 2014 drawing to a close, a new batch of year-end documents will be on their way to your mailbox soon. What should you do with them? How long should you save them? Find out more | Excited by changes It's an exciting time of year as we prepare for the holidays and think about how we can generously bless others. Inspiring others to be generous is one of the many things that we get excited about at Everence Lancaster. We recently held our first ever Day of Generosity, where we invited our clients and members to join us in serving our community. We gave away Everence T-shirts and $1,000 to our participating groups to give to their favorite charities. We'd love to meet with you to discuss planning your year-end contributions. You'll have the opportunity to learn more about how generosity can impact your life, along with other topics such as health and fitness, coaching, missions and financial planning, at our annual Stewardship University on Saturday, March 7, 2015. Register online, starting in December. Meet our team and learn more about our upcoming events, such as our monthly retirement seminars, at everence.com/lancaster. |