---------- Forwarded message ----------
Miles Yoder <yoderme@lancastermennonite.org>Date: Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:44 AM
Subject: Bulletin Announcement
info@gehmanmennonitechurch.org |
| | Please place the following announcement in your church bulletin or other means of communicating with your congregation.
Thank you.
Lancaster Mennonite School alumni are invited to participate in an alumni choir and orchestra as part of the school's 75th anniversary celebration October 7, 2016. If interested in participating, contact Marcy Hostetter at hostettermr@lancastermennonite.org. |
| | | OUR MISSION Centered in Christ Transforming Lives Changing our World
Miles E. YoderAssistant Superintendent | | | |
| Lancaster Mennonite School, 2176 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, PA 17602 | | |
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