Special Prayer Request:
For those of you who had not heard we have completed the necessary paper work and will now present our property tax exemption case in front of the Monroe County Appeal Board for their final decision. This is for the entire Pinebrook property and the new Gym building at Wilderness Camp, they combined the hearing and it will be held on February 6th at 1:30pm. As we look ahead to February 6th and our property tax hearing, we would like to jointly place this concern at the feet of our Lord and Savior. So, we are setting aside Tuesday February 5th as a day of prayer and fasting. You are invited to participate in this fast in any way or style you are able. That could be giving up one meal, or a day long fast but as a community we need to bring this to God in humble prayer.
Our hearing is set for February 6th at 1:30pm at the Monroe County Municipal building. To continue our prayer around this issue our staff are planning to meet on the 6th at 1:30 in the lobby of Spruce Lodge for a time of prayer while the hearing is underway.
Our specific prayer requests are as follows:
- Lord willing, we would receive continue property tax exemption for our ministries.
- But more important than that – No matter the outcome- We want to Glorify God in the manner in which we go through this appeal process. Ultimately, we want our core purpose of pointing people toward Christ will be fulfilled!
Please keep this concern in your prayer as we approach these dates and plan to join us as you are able. God is all powerful and He knows the needs of His ministry at Spruce Lake and Pinebrook.
In Christ,
Dave Trout
Mark 10:45
Director of Advancement
Spruce Lake Retreat
Camp: 800-822-7505 ext.125
Cell: 570-236-1489