Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Fwd: Tanya came to us in a panic...

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lisa Hosler, Align Life Ministries <info@alignlifeministries.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 11:15 AM
Subject: Tanya came to us in a panic...
To: <gehmanmennonitechurch@gmail.com>


A baby changes everything...

Two thousand years ago, Jesus' entry into this world as a baby changed the course of human history.

And He's still changing lives today — lives like Tanya's.

Tanya came to us in a panic. She'd just been out of state for a late-term abortion but was turned away because she didn't have enough money. She said to us through tears, "I don't know what to do! I'm just hoping you guys can help me."

In a rush of words, we learned she was an atheist, didn't trust "pro-life people," and was afraid her parents wouldn't support her pregnancy because they didn't approve of her boyfriend.

Initially it seemed she wanted help with an abortion, but as we listened to her story, her perspective shifted. She expressed a desire to find a better job, get an apartment, and make plans to provide for her baby.

We shared how we could help her prepare for motherhood and explained that we're a life-affirming ministry. Tanya replied, "That's okay. I saw on your website that you help women who've had abortions, so I figured you aren't judgmental." And then — amazingly — she allowed us to pray with her.


Tanya readily joined our prenatal class with two other clients who are believers! They're both providing friendship and encouragement, and Tanya is freely sharing prayer requests and receiving prayer. She's soaking in the information and has already earned enough CARE cash to purchase a baby bouncer seat.

Tanya went from desperately driving to another state for an abortion to peacefully preparing for the birth of her first child.

Only Jesus.

Only Jesus could bring about this radical course correction in Tanya's life. We pray it leads her straight into His arms of salvation!

Your gift this Christmas season will help hundreds more young moms like Tanya experience the change that only Jesus can bring.

We are so grateful for your heartfelt support in championing life and changing lives through the wonderful gift of our Savior.

In the powerful, life-saving name of Jesus,

Lisa Hosler


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