Hi Gehman Mennonite Church,
In the past few years, we refined our vision to focus on what we consider to be God's call for us in this season: to catalyze Jesus movements among the least-reached; in places where there are very few Christians. We've specified some particular areas of the world that we want to focus on: Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Europe, and West Africa. We're very thankful to report that within the last year God has provided new workers for each of these areas, some of whom are already on location and others still in process. We rejoice in that and pray for more! We are encouraged by your faith and faithfulness to the gospel of Jesus Christ which compels us to continue to reach across cultures in our home communities and throughout the world. Your generous support blesses the EMM community and more importantly, blesses all those who are encountering the gospel for the first time.
If you would like to support EMM's work of training, we invite you to join us by partnering financially. We encourage you to make a gift to EMM's Impact Fund by December 31 by clicking the button below. Thank you for your continued generosity!
Barry Freed