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Eastern Mennonite Missions <jessicaf@emm.org>Date: Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 10:07 AM
Subject: crossing cultures. making disciples. a breakfast for pastor and ministry leaders
Eastern Mennonite Missions crossing cultures. making disciples.
a breakfast for pastors and ministry leaders | Talk about how to practice discipleship in today's changing and globalized world.
Join EMM at "crossing cultures. making disciples." -- a breakfast for pastors and ministry leaders in Weaverland Mennonite Church's fellowship hall on Saturday, March 18, at 7:00 a.m.
This breakfast will take place right before the second day of Lancaster Mennonite Conference's Celebration of Church Life (CCL), and in the same location - so if you are planning to attend CCL, enjoy breakfast with us first!
Many people have asked EMM what the new vision for discipleship looks like moving forward. At this breakfast, we'll explore new avenues that God is preparing for us, including:
Mission internships -
Multipliers -
Missional Pathways
Please register by Monday, March 13. Questions? Contact Jessica Fellenger. We hope to see you there! |
| | | Eastern Mennonite Missions 53 W Brandt Blvd, PO Box 458 Salunga, PA 17538-0458
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