From: Mary Jensen <>
Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 3:59 PM
Subject: STAR Training in Lancaster
Thank you for the ways you have already partnered with Eastern Mennonite University at Lancaster to raise awareness in the region regarding an offering of Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) training that will be held in Lancaster, PA this coming March. Registrations are coming in, but space remains. If you would be willing, please…
1. Insert the following blurb in your church bulletin during the months of January and February
Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) is a program of Eastern Mennonite University that aims to strengthen the capacity of individuals, organizations, and communities to understand the impacts of trauma, interrupt cycles of violence, and build resilience at personal, community, and societal levels. It is a five-day research-supported trauma awareness and resilience-training program that brings together theory and practice from neurobiology, conflict transformation, human security, spirituality, and restorative justice to address the needs of trauma-impacted individuals and communities. At the end of the training participants will be able to bring a trauma-informed perspective to their personal and professional lives, present the basic concepts, and use the tools with others.
This STAR Level 1 training will be held at Eastern Mennonite University at Lancaster, which is located at 1846 Charter Lane in the Greenfield Corporate Center. The cost of the five-day (March 20-24, 2017) training is $749.00. For more information, call EMU at Lancaster at 717-397-5190 or check out their website at
2. Send an email to your church's email list serve that contains the "bulletin blurb" and attach to it the electronic version of the flyer we have provided.
Thank you for your help in getting the word out about this opportunity that we believe it is part of our peace-making mission; to help individuals and communities address the impact of unhealed trauma and the accompanying cycles of victimhood and violence.
With kind regards,
Associate Provost
Eastern Mennonite University at Lancaster
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