Four Courses Completed! A common question I've been asked over the last year is – "So, what have you been doing since global travel has been brought to a near halt?" The answer is twofold: I'm staying in touch with leaders from numerous countries through electronic means, and I'm videotaping courses that I was going to teach in person. Here's a brief description of these courses. Daniel – the focus of this course is the interpretation of the chapters that include the dreams, visions, and revelations that God gave to Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel. 10 videos – average 21 minutes each Revelation – this course is an attempt at interpreting the vision that John received from God's angel. Special attention is given to how the seven original churches understood the message. 16 videos – average 15 minutes each. Interpreting the Bible – this course presents the basic principles needed to correctly interpret the Bible. 16 videos – average 12 minutes each Teacher Training – Using Jesus as the model teacher, these lessons look at the teacher and the student in the great process of learning. 6 videos – average 14 minutes each Currently, I am in touch with schools and churches around the world discussing ways these courses can be used in their settings. |