Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Fwd: A first look at life — now available in Lancaster!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lisa Hosler, Align Life Ministries <>
Date: Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 10:15 AM
Subject: A first look at life — now available in Lancaster!
To: <>


Andrew and Kara were pregnant for the first time.  

They heard about us through a friend and wanted to learn more about our free ultrasound and parenting classes. During their ultrasound appointment, their 12-week-old baby was jumping in his mother's womb and moving his arms and legs.    

The father of the baby smiled constantly. The mom said, "I can't believe that little baby is inside me! I can't feel a thing — yet look how much he's moving around!"  

They told us at the end of their appointment that they are planning to parent their child. They each have busy schedules and weren't sure they could commit to our prenatal classes, but before they left, they said, "We appreciate you answering all our questions." 

We know it was actually the Lord who answered their questions through us. Daniel 2:22 says God, "reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though He is surrounded by light."  

None of us can see a preborn baby inside the mom with our human eyes. But God has worked through brilliant minds and faithful hands to make the tool of ultrasound available.   

At our Lancaster Pregnancy Services location, we are pleased to now offer ultrasounds, in addition to our Lebanon and Columbia locations. We look forward to God using ultrasound to reveal to hundreds more precious parents something deep and mysterious, something that is currently hidden in darkness — a truthful look at their preborn child in the womb.   

Thank you for your continued generosity, which helps to provide these vital, life-giving services to the young families we serve! 


Another Way to Give

You can also support align by donating your time! Some specific volunteer needs we currently have at our Align Pregnancy Services locations are:


  • Prayer intercessors (monthly on a Tuesday morning) 
  • Client advocates (Monday evening and daytime availability) 


  • Prayer intercessors  
  • Essentials advocate 
  • Gardener/yard work 
  • Cleaning volunteer 
  • Monday evening receptionist 
  • Client advocate (Monday mornings and afternoons, Tuesday afternoons, and Thursday mornings and afternoons) 


  • Gardener/yard work 
  • Client advocates (Monday mornings and afternoons; Tuesday evenings and afternoons; and Thursday mornings, afternoons and evenings). 
  • Prayer intercessors 
  • Evening receptionist (Thursday evening and every other Tuesday evening) 
  • Spanish interpreter  


  • Cleaning volunteers 
  • Evening receptionist (Tuesdays) 
  • Client advocates (Tuesday evenings, Thursday evenings, Friday mornings and afternoons) 
  • Spanish-speaking client advocates  
  • Essentials client advocates 
  • Prayer intercessors 

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, contact us at

We truly appreciate the ways you graciously partner with us to champion life and share the gospel!

In the powerful, life-saving name of Jesus,

Lisa Hosler


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Align Life Ministries | 131 South 8th Street | Lebanon, PA 17042 US

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