Dear Gehman Mennonite Church,
Two weeks ago, I told you that we had a $50,000 donation challenge, and I asked for your help. Many of you responded, thank you! I am pleased to let you know that we have currently raised $40,270.00! Will you help us close the gap? Our goal is to raise $50,000 by the end of June, so please donate today.
I want you to know that your gift changes lives.
Recently, I was catching up with Matt (photo below, left), a former resident of our Emergency Shelter program. With our help, Matt was able to achieve sobriety, secure a good job, and eventually move into his own apartment. Today, Matt owns and operates two recovery homes that provide housing for 21 young men working at overcoming their addiction.
I also just had the opportunity to speak with Suzy (photo below, right), a single mother who was a resident of our Shelter and Transitional Housing programs. When she and her daughters came to us, she was leaving an abusive relationship, and at the end of her rope. She told me that having a place to call home was an actual life-saver for her. She said that she will always be grateful to GSS for the way that we fulfilled the words of Christ, "I was a stranger, and you took me in."
On behalf of the 200 men, women and children we are serving today in our shelter and housing programs, thank you!