Friday, June 12, 2020

Fwd: If not us, who else?

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From: Joe Hollinger from EMM <>
Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 3:40 PM
Subject: If not us, who else?
To: <>

Eastern Mennonite Missions 
450 Project
Update on the Moving in Mission Capital Campaign and renovations at 450 North Prince Street
The second-floor windows are in the process of being replaced.
If not us, who else?
We continue to see significant progress on the renovations at 450 North Prince Street in Lancaster. Thanks to everyone who has helped get us to this point. Many people have given a lot of their time, talents, and resources to make this project possible and we want to introduce you to a couple of them.

Mike and Lena Brown joined the Capital Campaign Steering Committee in May of 2018 and have been valuable members since that time. They have also partnered financially to make this project possible. The couple currently attends Landisville Mennonite Church, but have history at Gehman Mennonite and Slate Hill Mennonite. Lena served with EMM as a teacher in Somalia and Kenya in the 1960s and met Mike during those years as he served with MCC. We asked them a few questions and wanted to share their answers with you.

How are you involved in the EMM Moving in Mission Capital Campaign?
To our surprise and alarm, we were invited to join the Steering Committee, with the understanding that a number of others just as inexperienced in fundraising would also be added. Besides participating in the monthly meetings, we have phoned, emailed, and met with over 40 very gracious potential donors.

What made you decide to participate on the Steering Committee?
As indicated above, we don't feel very adept at what the committee must do, but we felt that we could at least get ourselves to the meetings, and with prayer and deep breathing, make the calls and visits to donors. If not the likes of us, who else will? And we are very hopeful and excited about the two-pronged goals of the project — EMM offices in Lancaster and a unique city ministry.

How do you expect this project to impact the community?
This project represents a whole new sort of service to Lancaster. We are so pleased that EMM first established the 450 Ministry Team, a visionary group who spent months thinking about what needs this building could address that are not already worked at by other Lancaster service organizations. It is a sign of genuine concern for our city that the team spent a good year listening to other city leaders, drawing on their wisdom and long experience. EMM is moving into their midst with humility and is being welcomed. EMM knows something about working with different people groups, and in Lancaster, a reputed national immigration center, we will find much we can do to extend the love of Jesus to the nations. Here is a center for mission indeed!

What else should people know?
People should know this project is a God thing! He led in the purchase of this building and He has a plan. We, His people, need to discover how we fit into this plan, and how we are being invited to participate/support what He has begun. How is God calling each of us to help further His work?

Thank you, Mike and Lena, for reminding us that we are all called to participate in the work God is doing, both around the globe and right in our own neighborhoods. 
Volunteer opportunity!
We have already had over 200 volunteers help tear out the old. Now we are asking for volunteers to help us bring in the new. Beginning June 16, there are several opportunities for you to help place ethernet cables throughout the second floor of the building. This should be fairly light work although there will be some use of ladders involved. Proper safety precautions will be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Click here for more information and to sign up for a volunteer time slot.

Questions? Contact Andrew Mashas at 717-898-2251 ext. 220 or
Eastern Mennonite Missions
53 W Brandt Blvd, PO Box 458
Salunga, PA 17538-0458
717 898-2251 |
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