Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Fwd: Stories from the Front Lines

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From: Align Life Ministries <akanode@alignlifeministries.org>
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Subject: Stories from the Front Lines
To: info@gehmanmennonitechurch.org

Stories from the Front Lines
We are truly grateful for everyone who helped us champion the gospel and life so swiftly and steadily through these coronavirus months. Together we've had a significant impact on young families and individuals across our communities, and it's all for the glory of Christ.

One client posted this on our Facebook page: "I just want to say I'm very thankful for the help that you guys are doing for the moms and families out there... It's already hard for me on just a regular day. I don't have family to help me, but I have you guys and I am very thankful for that."

Another mom recently moved from a different state where she had a good experience with a pregnancy ministry like ours. When we delivered formula and diapers to her, she poured out her story of being a single mom and unemployed. She cried as we prayed with her, and then she signed up for our Earn While You Learn program. Our staffer said, "You could see God was reaching out to her and opening her heart toward Him."

Agencies that have had to temporarily close certain locations are referring clients to us and advertising us on their social media. We're serving dozens of new clients, and they're signing up for ongoing services.

Jesus says in Matthew 5:14, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." He is shining brightly through Align Life Ministries.

Would you consider continuing with us in this work?

We're estimating a cost of $35,000 for formula, diapers, and baby wipes through the end of the year. As God leads, please help us meet the practical and spiritual needs of vulnerable young families in our communities.

In the powerful, life-saving name of Jesus,
Lisa Hosler
Great First Year at our New Columbia Location

A year ago this month we moved our Columbia location one block north—from a rented facility to a property we purchased and renovated.

With that move, the Lord let Columbia know we are here to stay, in a building that says, "Welcome."

"The welcoming front porch has been a wonderful addition," says director Nyla Martin. "Clients park their strollers there, since many walk to their appointments. The ramp is nice, too. They no longer have to bump their strollers up the steps to the front door. Plus, during the coronavirus we're able to provide clients with essential baby supplies from a covered front porch. We didn't have that at the old location."

Clients love the new look of the center, too. They especially like the purple chairs in the waiting room and often linger in the inviting receptionist area to chat with staff. The baby boutique is spacious and fresh, and the clients use it often to buy what they need for their little ones - with Care Cash they earned from their sessions.

"In looking back over this past year, I am amazed at how God has used the new location for His honor and glory," Nyla said. "We can't wait to see what He does in the year ahead!"
Align Life Ministries

131 S 8th St Lebanon, PA 17042