Thursday, July 25, 2024

Fwd: A Miracle in the Making

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lisa Hosler, Align Life Ministries <>
Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 2:45 PM
Subject: A Miracle in the Making
To: <>


I want to share a heartfelt story with you that highlights the impact of your generous support and the grace of God in our ministry.

Recently, a young woman facing an unintended pregnancy found us online and scheduled a pregnancy test appointment. When the test came back positive, we offered her information about her options, including parenting, adoption, and abortion. Initially, her reaction was one of fear and uncertainty.

"I don't want it! I'm going to get an abortion. I don't want the baby," she said. However, she was willing to talk more with our director, who shared about fetal development, using models to depict various stages of preborn baby growth.

Though she was hesitant, she agreed to an ultrasound. She left the appointment still undecided and leaning toward abortion. But, several days later, we received a message that thrilled our hearts. "Hi! I wanted to tell you I decided to keep the baby and want to learn more about your classes. I don't know much about being a parent!"

We praise God for this miraculous change of heart! It's through His grace and unwavering supporters like you that we can offer hope and life-affirming choices to those in need.

Thank you for standing with us and making life change like this possible. We ask for your continued prayers and support as we walk alongside this young woman on her journey.

In the powerful, life-saving name of Jesus,

Lisa Hosler


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