Thursday, July 11, 2024

Fwd: 'Thank you for the prayers!'

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lisa Hosler, Align Life Ministries <>
Date: Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 10:16 AM
Subject: 'Thank you for the prayers!'
To: <>


A young mom in our parenting classes recently sent us this heartfelt note:

"Your ministry has been a blessing to us! I tell my co-workers about you. I've never had anyone like you in my corner before. Please tell everyone thank you for the prayers."

When you pray for clients at Align Pregnancy Services, you are interceding for young families in your neighborhood. You are lifting up children and young adults to the Lord who may have never been prayed for before. Your prayers for our clients are both influential AND instrumental in their lives 

We publish regular lists of prayer requests for our clients. Here are a few samples from our recent monthly prayer sheet: 

  • Pray for our expecting mothers who are due soon; some are first time moms. Pray for peace of mind and that God would calm their fears about labor and delivery.  
  • Pray that our moms who recently gave birth would have a quick recovery and would feel God's presence with them on this new journey of motherhood.  
  • Pray that our parenting clients will be faithful to attend our classes, become equipped as parents, and learn more about a relationship with Jesus as they attend.  

And as we pray, keep this truth in mind, found in James 5:16: "The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results."

Thank you for your faithful prayers — it makes all the difference!

In the powerful, life-saving name of Jesus,

Lisa Hosler


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