Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Fwd: To ALL STEP Alumni

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marcia Mylin <>
Date: Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 11:31 AM
Subject: To ALL STEP Alumni
To: Marcia Mylin <>

Good morning and the peace of Christ to each of you!

Some of you are receiving this email for the second time, however I am including some attachments, so please read on! I am writing to all STEP alumni with several purposes.

First, I would like to invite you to share with me any names of potential students. To date, STEP has graduated over 165 students and we are so thankful for all the ways God is moving and blessing this ministry to train and equip leaders for His Kingdom work! Thank you for your commitment to this ministry in the past! You are making a difference. As you consider your current sphere of influence, I invite you to pray about where you see God at work and how might God be calling those around you to greater fruitfulness. I invite you to talk with those in your sphere of influence and invite them to consider being part of this training and equipping for greater fruitfulness.

Secondly, in 2024, we celebrate 20 years of the STEP program and God's faithfulness. As part of this celebration, we are planning to host a STEP alumni gathering in 2025. It will most likely take place on August 16, 2025 in conjunction with the regular STEP orientation. Please do two things:  1) mark your calendars for this date and, 2) please suggest any classes you would have interest in attending. We are hoping to be able to offer some follow up classes/seminars that would build upon your previous STEP classes and experience. 

Attached is the STEP Brochure which you are welcome to share with anyone who may have interest. Also, please CLICK HERE to access the STEP video.

Please continue to pray for STEP students, instructors and administration! We covet your prayers as we look forward to what God has planned for the next 20 years of STEP.

With gratitude,


Marcia Mylin
LMC Resource Staff
LMC STEP Director 
Bishop Elders Team 

Street Address:  450 N Prince Street, Lancaster PA  17603
Mailing Address:  PO Box 1635, Lancaster PA  17608-1635
Phone:  717-293-5246 ext. 114

I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
    in the night also my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me;
    because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
Psalm 16:7,8