What happens when Jesus touches a life? When a person first hears that Jesus died for their sins and gives them new, eternal life?
Just ask Albert, in Rwanda. Albert was not a believer in Jesus. In fact, he was known in his community as the person who ridiculed and belittled the few Christians who lived there. He was also an alcoholic, which created many problems at home. At one point, he had an accident and was seriously injured. His recovery was slow and painful.
Then Godfrey came along. Godfrey was a church planter, trained through a discipleship-mission program that Global Disciples had helped his church launch. He came to Albert's village to share the Gospel of Jesus.
When Godfrey had an opportunity to talk with Albert, he explained how Jesus had died for all his sins, and that He was the great healer to those who believe in Him.
Albert's heart was moved, and he put his faith in Jesus as His Savior. Godfrey and his team prayed for him, and for his daughter who was very sick and had found no help. To their delight, the Lord touched and healed them both!
Instead of ridiculing Christians, Albert is now a fully devoted follower of Jesus, sharing the Good News with his friends and family, and leading others to faith in Christ.
In the same community, Godfrey and his team saw Jesus touch Johanna's life. She was caught up in idol worship, selling whatever she needed to to keep these little gods happy. And this had caused trouble in her marriage. When she heard about Jesus, she was moved to repent, and she found salvation and new life in Him. His touch in her life brought peace to her heart, her home, and restored broken relationships in her family.
The touch of Jesus—drawing people to the life and salvation He offers—is truly life-changing. And it's our mission to share that life-changing Gospel with those who have not heard it yet!